About us

Länsimetro Oy is a limited liability company that is jointly owned by the cities of Espoo and Helsinki. Länsimetro Oy is the owner of the modern metro infrastructure that will stand the test of time. The Helsinki region’s metro line is the backbone of public transport from west to east. Read more about Länsimetro’s metro stations and metro infrastructure.

Länsimetro Oy as part of the Helsinki region’s public transport network

Länsimetro Oy’s task is to own and develop the metro stations, rail line and metro systems. Länsimetro operates in the background of the public transport operators as the expert organisation for owning and developing the metro infrastructure. The company’s key co-operations partners are the owner cities Espoo and Helsinki, Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd, Helsinki City Transport (HKL) , Helsinki Regional Transport Authority (HSL), construction projects within the metro’s catchment area and neighbouring properties. With its expertise, Länsimetro contributes to ensuring that the metro remains an attractive and safe transport option and serves customers for decades to come.

As the owner of the metro infrastructure Länsimetro manages, steers and monitors the execution of the maintenance services in accordance with the requirements set for the infrastructure’s life cycle. Länsimetro works in close co-operation with Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd, which provides most of the maintenance services for Länsimetro Oy’s metro stations and rail line. Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd reports on these activities to Länsimetro Oy. HKL provides some of the services . Management and maintenance has been arranged in a co-operation agreement between Länsimetro Oy, Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd and HKL . Helsinki Regional Transport Authority (HSL) is responsible for arranging public transport services.

HSL (Helsinki Region Transport) plans and procures public transport in its operating area, approves its fare and ticketing systems and ticket prices, is responsible for its marketing and travel advice, organises ticket sales, and is responsible for ticket inspection. 

 HSL’s webpages.

Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd manages the public transport infrastructure in Helsinki. Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd is responsible for developing and maintaining the public transport system as a whole. Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd is responsible for metro traffic and owns the metro train fleet. Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd provides most of the maintenance services, is responsible for servicing and maintaining Länsimetro Oy’s metro stations and rail line, and also reports on these activities to Länsimetro Oy.

Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd’s webpages.

Functional and safe metro infrastructure that stands the test of time

Länsimetro Oy’s task is to ensure that the metro infrastructure it owns remains functional and safe well into the future. The metro was built for the long term and must operate for many decades. The tunnel and frame structures will stand the test of time, despite the challenging tunnel conditions, but various lighter structures and systems will reach the end of their life cycle much earlier. Up-to-date information ensures seamless operations and effective life-cycle management at all phases.

Development of the metro continues

Länsimetro Oy has been responsible for the overall construction in accordance with the project plan, first from Ruoholahti to Matinkylä, and then for the second phase of construction, from Matinkylä to Kivenlahti. As part of the Matinkylä–Kivenlahti project plan, Länsimetro Oy has construction work currently under way, including the Kivenlahti station’s western entrance, the Kaitaa parking facility and Finnoo’s and Soukka’s Park & Ride facilities

Länsimetro Oy is part of a project to improve the metro’s capacity and reliability (the METKA project). Read more about the project 

The neighbourhoods along the metro rail line are being developed. Länsimetro participates with its expertise in the changes and development taking place in the urban environment.