Corporate governance and general meeting
Länsimetro Oy is a mutual limited liability company jointly owned by the cities of Espoo and Helsinki. The company’s corporate governance is the responsibility of Espoo’s and Helsinki’s City Group Divisions. The owner cities operate based on the principles of the shareholders’ agreement and wield ultimate authority in general meetings. The cities have agreed on a mutual distribution of costs along the city limit, under the principle that each party meets the costs related to its own area. The costs are divided such that Espoo’s share is roughly 83,5 per cent and Helsinki’s share is 16,5 per cent.
The ownership, maintenance and administration of the West Metro are covered through administration, maintenance and financing charges paid by the owners. It is not Länsimetro Oy’s task to generate a profit.
Board of Directors
Länsimetro Oy’s operations are steered by a Board of Directors. The Board consists of six members nominated by the owners. The Board is responsible for the company’s administration and the appropriate arrangement of its operations. In addition, the Board is responsible for appropriate control of the company’s accounting and asset management. The task of the Board of Directors is to ensure that Länsimetro Oy’s tasks are carried out and to support the CEO’s work. The Board of Directors meets regularly according to a predetermined schedule. If required, extraordinary meetings are convened outside the meeting schedule. The Board decides on all actions that are not covered by the authorisations given to the CEO. Additionally, other significant matters concerning the company’s operations are brought before the Board to decide.
The members of the Board of Directors:
– Olli Isotalo, Deputy Mayor for Urban Environment, City of Espoo, Chairman
– Kari Pudas, Technical Director, City of Helsinki, Deputy Chair
– Hannu Järvinen, city councillor, Espoo (Finns Party)
– Hannele Kerola, city councillor, Espoo (Social Democratic Party)
– Kimmo Oila, deputy councillor, Espoo (National Coalition Party)
– Ari Konttas, Director of Finances, City of Espoo
Board Secretary:
– Timo Kuismin, Director, Legal Affairs, Corporate Group, City of Espoo
The company has a CEO appointed by the Board. The CEO is in charge of arranging the company’s operations and reports to the Board. The Board has authorised the CEO, within specific euro-denominated authorisations, to make decisions concerning the company. When the CEO’s authorisation is exceeded, the matter is always brought before the Board.
CFO Matias Johansson is appointed as acting of CEO from 1 January 2024 until the board appoints a permanent CEO.
Management team
The CEO receives management support from the company’s management team, which represents all of the company’s
Länsimetro Oy’s organisation is divided into four separate areas of responsibility by function: ownership, construction, finances and governance. The company’s goal is to be an organisation known for its expertise. Länsimetro has a wealth of experience in building a modern metro system through the West Metro construction project and strong competence in life cycle maintenance. As a company operating in the background of the public transport operators, Länsimetro helps ensure that the metro is an attractive form of transport. The company currently employs 16 experts.
Länsimetro Group
Länsimetro Oy has five subsidiaries in which it owns 100% of the shares:
- Kiinteistö Oy Matinkylän Bussiterminaali (bus terminal)
- Kiinteistö Oy Matinkylän Liityntäpysäköinti (park & ride)
- Kiinteistö Oy Kivenlahden liityntäpysäköinti (park & ride)
- Kiinteistö Oy Espoonlahden Bussiterminaali (bus terminal) and
- Sammalvuoren Metrovarikko Oy (metro depot)
Additionally, Länsimetro Oy also owns a share of Tapiolan keskuspysäköinti Oy (parking facility).
The operations of all of the subsidiary and associated companies are linked to the feeder traffic supporting metro traffic and metro depot. The companies do not have their own personnel: the employees of Länsimetro Oy is responsible for their administrative tasks.
Kiinteistö Oy Matinkylän Liityntäpysäköinti produces park & ride services for Matinkylä metro station. Länsimetro Oy owns a designated share of the plot and of the parking facility built on the plot for arranging park & ride services, together with the other plot owners as outlined in the agreement to divide the possession between joint owners. The provider for the Matinkylä park & ride services is Aimo Park Finland Oy .
Another property owned by Länsimetro Oy is Kiinteistö Oy Matinkylän Bussiterminaali (bus terminal). The company serves bus operators and passengers. The company owns a designated share of the plot and the public transport terminal facilities built on the plot. Helsinki Regional Transport Authority (HSL) is responsible for passenger traffic timetables and arrangements, both for the feeder network and metro traffic. The parties operate in collaboration with Citycon Oyj, which owns the Iso Omena shopping centre. Are is responsible for property maintenance for the Matinkylä operations.
Kiinteistö Oy Kivenlahden liityntäpysäköinti will provide park & ride services for the future Kivenlahti metro station. Based on a leasehold, Länsimetro Oy is in possession of a plot where the plan is to build a parking facility that will be owned and managed by Länsimetro Oy.
The objective of Kiinteistö Oy Espoonlahden bussiterminaali (bus terminal) is to offer services related to public transport to operators in charge of bus traffic for the City of Espoo and to the public that uses the facilities for travel taking place in Espoo’s public transport.
Sammalvuoren Metrovarikko Oy is responsible for the business operations of the metro depot located in Sammalvuori, Espoo. The company owns and manages the depot property, including its underground facilities. The metro depot serves the metro operations and is leased to Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd in its entirety.
Through its properties, Länsimetro will meet its park & ride obligations also at the Tapiola metro station. The company owns 370/2100 A-series shares (18%) in Tapiola keskuspysäköinti Oy. The company’s other major owners are Tapiolan Toimitalo Oy, the City of Espoo and Kiinteistö Oy Biens. The provider for the Tapiola park & ride services is Aimo Park Finland Oy.