Excavation of an access tunnel for the Sammalvuori underground metro depot will begin in week 48. Work will begin with the removal of tree trunks and topsoil from the construction site and the Tyskaksenkaari road construction site (see map). This will be followed by the open excavation of the area. It is estimated that the actual access tunnel excavation will begin in January 2015. The excavation work for the access tunnel will continue until July 2015.
After the access tunnel project, a metro depot will be excavated. During both work phases, excavated rock will be removed along the most direct route to Länsiväylä and further afield for use in other construction projects. Haulage will be based on the blasting times. Blasting will occur 1–3 times a day.
Working hours at the site, as determined by the Espoo Environment Department, are as follows:
Earthwork and excavation work
• Mon-Fri 7-18 (quiet work also between 18-22, Sat. 9-18)
Tunnel excavation (grout hole drilling, drilling, scaling)
• Mon-Fri 7-18 (quiet work also between 18-7)
Blasting in tunnel
• Mon-Fri 7-22 and Sat 9-18
Loading of blasted rock and transportation
• Mon-Fri 7-22 and weekends 9-22
• If no disturbance is caused to residents, also: Mon-Fri 22-7 and weekends
Blasting for open excavation will be announced by an audible warning signal that is broken before the blast and continuous afterwards. Traffic on Nöykkiönkatu street will be stopped when necessary during open excavation at the road construction site.
We apologise for any disturbance caused by the work.
Further details Destia Oy:
On-duty worksite phone: 040 6682 485
Site Manager Mari Borén, Destia Oy, mari.boren@destia.fi
Länsimetro feedback phone number (Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-3 p.m.) +358 50 377 3700