Urheilupuisto metro station’s new eastern entrance opens on the weekend

The Urheilupuisto metro station’s eastern entrance opened to passengers on Saturday, 29 February 2020. The Urheilupuisto station was designed and built to operate with a single main entrance. Länsimetro Oy wishes to develop the passenger experience at its eight metro stations. Based on feedback, the emergency exit of the Jousenpuisto parking facility was converted into a second entrance for the Urheilupuisto station. This will facilitate passengers’ journey in the Jousenpuisto direction.

Passengers will be able to use the western entrance as usual. The new entrance is accessible, as are all of the entrances to the West Metro stations. The new entrance was assigned the identifier C on HSL’s signs.


The construction of the new entrance entailed structural changes required by authorities at the entrance itself and technical changes to the metro’s systems. The changes were carefully planned and implemented so that the converted entrance is practical and safe and the systems operate together with the metro’s systems. During construction, the safety requirements of the operating metro were also observed.

Read more about the Urheilupuisto metro station