Water damage at Keilaniemi metro station on 31 January – no impact on metro traffic

The technical facilities of the Keilaniemi metro station experienced water damage between Thursday night and Friday morning. HKL’s control room received an alert from Länsimetro’s system at 11.53 p.m. The fire and rescue department was called to the scene at 20 minutes past midnight. Water overflowed from the sprinkler reservoir and reached the lower floors of the station.

The water damage did not affect morning metro traffic. As metro traffic began, all of the station’s escalators were also working normally. However, two elevators at the north entrance are still out of order. They will be up and running again once the area surrounding the elevators has been dried.

The reason for the water damage will be investigated.

Länsimetro’s feedback line (Mon–Fri, 9 am to 3 pm): +358 (0)50 377 3700.