
Travelling by metro

On HSL’s page you can find more information about travelling by metro: Journey Planner, tickets and fares, the locations of entrances and bus stops, park and ride spaces, the feeder network route and customer service.

HSL is responsible for planning and acquiring public transport for its operating area.


The Soukka metro station is located in the immediate vicinity of the Soukka shopping centre. The metro station has two entrances: the Soukantori entrance and the Yläkartanontie entrance.

The Soukantori entrance is two storeys. Direct lift access is provided from the entrance’s Soukka shopping centre level to the platform level. There are four lifts. From the Soukantie road level, passengers first take the stairs or a lift to access the Soukantori square level. The street address of entrance is Soukanraitti 5.

The Yläkartanontie entrance’s  street address is Yläkartanontie 29.

The station and entrances are wheelchair-accessible.

Story of Soukka metro station

The metro station opened on Saturday 3 December 2022, when metro traffic on the Matinkylä–Kivenlahti section started up. The Soukka metro station has the Yläkartanontie entrance, the Soukkatori entrance and technical buildings. The construction contract for the Soukka metro station was implemented by the consortium of YIT Suomi Oy and Are Oy.

ALA-Architects is responsible for the architectural design of the station. The Soukka metro station was influenced by the surrounding 1960s modernist buildings. The metro station features Taneli Rautiainen’s “Sfäärit” (Spheres) installation art. The installation consists of four parts, located at different levels of the metro station.

Soukka as an area in Espoo

With the arrival of the metro, the Soukka area is also being developed, including infill construction. The area around Soukantori, for example, is being developed.

Soukka has a population of around 8,000. The metro is expected to accelerate infill construction and new construction to replace old buildings. The infill and new construction is expected to increase Soukka’s population by 2,000.